понедельник, 7 февраля 2011 г.

Russian Bath

It is difficult to imagine Russian culture without Russian bath.
Russian people love it and try to visit the bath as often as they can. 

In the Russian language it is called 'баня' ('banya').

The main part of 'баня' is a steam room, 'парилка' ('parilka') in Russian. The temperature in 'парилка' is more than 100 degees C. The steam is rather wet that is why it is difficult to breathe. But Russian people got used to be in 'парилка'. After sitting in 'парилка' people usually dive into the swimming pool, 'бассейн' ('basein') in Russian, river or lake or if it is winter into a snowdrift. During this procedure human vessels become wide and then narrow. It is like physical exersises for our vessels and heart. It is very good for blood circulation. 

In 'баня' people use 'веник' ('venik'). 'Веник' is a bunch of twigs of different trees. The trees can be birtch, oak and even fir-tree. People beat each other with these twigs in the bathhouse. It is a very good and useful massage.

Russian bath is very good for health. After the bath you feel ease in your body.
Personally I adore bath. I try to go there once a week. I advise everybody visitting this wonderful place.


New words:

Баня - Bath
Парилка - Steam-room
Бассейн - Swimming pool
Веник - a bunch of twigs

Useful links:

The History of Russian Bath
Russina Bath in Wikipedia

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